I read a part of Ledger nano S documentation (including HD Wallet and BIP39/BIP44 derivation path, and BOLOS system, that you can find at https://ledger.readthedocs.io/en/latest/background/introduction.html). I also looked at different sources, either to better understand an error I could have made, or some code I could reuse to make a better script to test the values and find my PKH: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki#use-cases https://iancoleman.io/bip39/ I did not find better than bruteforcing until now (the security the ledger is offering does force that only solution, which is ok).
- In the beginning, I jumped on the first tezbox version that allowed linking with my Ledger Nano S. At some point I deleted the data in the chrome navigator and the wallet at the same time. I have tried since then to get access to my xtz. I know the tz1 PKH and I have my Ledger Nano S.
- I brute-forced the path, 44'/1729'/0'/0' modifying incrementally the 2 last value in the Derivation Path, without success.
So my questions are:
- Was there a change in previous version of the tezos-client that could affect the creation of new PKH (the derivation tree for HD Wallet), that would disrupt my attempts to brute-force my way using tezos CLI?
- Question addressed to tezbox team: did you change something, was there a bug in the first versions published which could affect the derivation of PKH and preventing me to generate my PKH where my funds are locked on the current version of tezbox? Was there a possibility, for example, to modify the PATH, including 44'/1729', corrected afterwards?
I want to make very clear that I don't want to blame anyone else (but me), but merely have information that would be crucial to my investigation to access my xtz tokens again.
Thanks a lot in advance for your answers!
EDIT (05/06/2021):
It looks like I lost access to this account - I've not, so far, found back access to this address. The address has not changed, the funds,are still there.
I found (through another project's searches) those information I had not at the time that lead me to think that a likely scenario is a parsing problem between the 3 elements (listed above and below) of the BIP39/BIP44 HD PATH - I know it is not directly linked to tezos, and maybe clef dependency was never in the picture of tezos-ledger app, but the latter I don't know:
https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/pull/21757 https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/issues/21592 https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/pull/21517
For clarity: I used tezbox (early, when the feature to link it to ledger nano was made possible - funds were transferred in November 2018).
There is still no doubt that I can regain access to my funds as long as information is brought to me that could help me understand the potential side-effects of ledger legacy bip HD derivation path on the tezbox frontend and the ledger tezos application of that time- and if any inconsistencies were observed at the time, including tezbox interactions with tezos ledger app.
A good way forward would for me to be able to test with the tezos ledger application and command line tezos-client the different inputs (addresses with different HD Paths schemes (meaning potentially no /0h or /0' but plain /0).
I would, again, appreciate any elements brought to me that could help (not already mentioned at the time). Thank you in advance.
) seems wrong. I could access it using Galleon, which uses a different path:44'/1729'/0'/0'/0'
. Not sure if this is specific to my Ledger or not, but I hope it helps.