In my alphanet tezos-client, tezos-client gen keys <address> creates an unencrypted address, and requires the --encrypted flag to create an encrypted address.

But in the mainnet tezos-client, running tezos-client gen keys <address> asks for a new password and creates an encrypted address.

How can I create unencrypted addresses via in the mainnet tezos-client?

1 Answer 1


On mainnet, here is how to do it:

  1. start by creating the key with a non-existent node (here xxx does not exist !):
tezos-client -A xxx gen keys for_stackexchange

It will display some error messages and say nothing more. In fact, the key was created.

  1. call it again:
tezos-client -A xxx gen keys for_stackexchange
  The secret_key alias for_stackexchange already exists.
    The current value is unencrypted:edsk43pBvh7zPgiGWSG3XSHybCqdQV7XRosqcGPLA9TDBc5ens7oP4.
  1. display the associated address:
tezos-client show address for_stackexchange -S                 
  Failed to acquire the protocol version from the node
  Rpc request failed:
     - meth: GET
     - uri: http://localhost:8732/chains/main/blocks/head/metadata
     - error: Unable to connect to the node: "Connection refused"

Hash: tz1Rpm5To3JT8vpqbt681EMuxEaM4tL2MvRi
Public Key: edpkvPpcAmrCFUiwBPZ4SGEsDXQstVmLHJoXKQURE2ANXem7zQH2e9
Secret Key: unencrypted:edsk43pBvh7zPgiGWSG3XSHybCqdQV7XRosqcGPLA9TDBc5ens7oP4
  • Thanks for this answer. The "xxx" what does that stand for?
    – Vindberg
    Commented Sep 4, 2019 at 13:32
  • @Vindberg You can use it as is, xxx. It's a placeholder for the IP of a non existent node
    – Gaia
    Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 22:20

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