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4 votes

Generating NFT with random attributes?

Tezos doesn't provide any randomness though Michelson currently. PVSS features are expected to come in future proposals which can enable randomness generation. Currently, the best solution is probably ...
Rodrigo Quelhas's user avatar
3 votes

How to get wallet tokens balance with the help of address and tokens contracts?

The best approach is to use an indexer that is aware of all tokens. Its not scalable to query them one at a time from the RPC, or to maintain the list of tokens. This API from TZKT: https://api.tzkt....
Simon McLoughlin's user avatar
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how to calculate the value of a single LQT token for Liquidity Baking?

When you add tezAmount liquidity you deposit tezAmount * tokenPool / xtzPool tokens (with division rounding up) and receive tezAmount * lqtTotal / xtzPool LQT (with division rounding down). When you ...
Sophia Gold's user avatar
2 votes

How to correctly implement an interface to an FA1.2 contract, from a programming language?

You are correct. There is not a way to get the value directly. You would have to originate a contract like this. Let's call it We will use it to create an error message after a dry run call....
MCH's user avatar
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Is it possible to originate/mint NFTs privately with Edo?

You wouldn't get meaningful privacy. It would be the only asset in its own pool, so you would know every time it changes hands, which might as well be achieved by using fresh keys without any zero-...
Arthur B's user avatar
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2 votes

General solution for getting fungible token balance off-chain

A better approach would be to use an Indexer. In general wallets only communicate with the chain directly to inject an operation or to do some sort of highly specific task with a single contract. ...
Simon McLoughlin's user avatar
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2 votes

I can't import my nft into my temple wallet

The entrypoint balance_of does not respect the specification. Your contract has: (Does not match the specification) (pair %balance_of (contract %callback (list (pair ...
Rodrigo Quelhas's user avatar
1 vote

I want to transfer the tokens from one contract to another address

This is happening because both contracts have different parameter schema for the transfer entrypoint. Goto KT1LkNWZgVYh3zdaRkBb9aNgLEFCjVJwEKu2 TzKt, the arguments should be in the format: "...
Ojuswi Rastogi's user avatar
1 vote

I want to retrieve the balance of a smart contract that I own using my wallet address and the address of that smart contract, how can I do that?

You may access rpc package's getBalance function with tezosToolkit like below to get both balances. (async ()=> { try { const tezos = new TezosToolkit(ghostnet) let kt1 = await tezos.rpc....
Hui-An Yang's user avatar
1 vote

I want to retrieve the balance of a smart contract that I own using my wallet address and the address of that smart contract, how can I do that?

You can get the token balance of your wallet using this TzKt API. In your case, you will need to add two query parameters. So, the API becomes:
Ojuswi Rastogi's user avatar
1 vote

Unable to import NFT in the Temple wallet as collectible

Same problem here with my first contract. Did you found and fix the problem ? I think my metadata files are correct but cannot see any NFTs in the collectibles tab. Here is the contract https://better-...
Clément's user avatar
1 vote

TzKt not recognising the tokens of my contract

In short: in your particular case the tokens will be recognized after the first transfer call. Why? Your contract doesn't fully implement the FA standard (in particular, according to the standard, you ...
Groxan's user avatar
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How to airdrop tokens based on ownership of another token?

You need to understand that tokens are not "sent" to an address. All tokens are simple K/V maps within the storage (bigmap) of a smart contract. Transferring a token from X to Y is simply ...
utdrmac's user avatar
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Carthagenet token faucet

As far as I know, there aren't any. What you can do is copy the code of the token that interests you on Mainnet, deploy it on Carthagenet and create some tokens you can then use for your tests :)
Claude Barde's user avatar

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