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What happens to the fee of a rejected transaction?

IIRC, the fee of a rejected / backtracked transactions is debited from the sender account. What happens to those tez? Are they burned? Do they go to the baker even though the transaction wasn't ...
emchristiansen's user avatar
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What is exactly a 'bakery fee'?

I need to configure my TRD. I got to enter my 'bakery fee' field. Is it a fee that baker pays for the staked amount to delegator? Say, my bakery was delegated with 100 tz, and I got 9% bakery fee, so ...
Omar Hayam's user avatar
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How can I tell if a WalletOperation failed in Taquito?

How can I tell if a WalletOperation failed in Taquito? After I dispatch a WalletOperation, I can await the results using the confirmation method like so: const confirmation = await op.confirmation() ...
emchristiansen's user avatar
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how to send a nat value other than a whole number

How can I send a nat value to a contract that represents a data type which is not a whole number? For example, the xtzToToken entrypoint of the tzBTC contract allows a user to call the xtzToToken ...
Whirlybird's user avatar
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call to 'approve' entrypoint of tzBTC contract failing with 'UnsafeAllowanceChange'

I'm trying to call addLiquidity on the Liquidity Baking CPMM. I've already called xtzToToken on the CPMM and given my address tzBTC. I can see that my address has tokens on the tzBTC contract when I ...
Whirlybird's user avatar
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Originate smart contract with empty arguments

I try to initialize a smart contract with five arguments being nat * timestamp * nat * timestamp * address. However, I only want to fill the last argument with some value but for the first four I try ...
Michelle Song's user avatar
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What are anonymous operations?

It is referenced in this answer about using rpc api GET ..//operations. The first list contains the endorsements. The second list contains all the operations regarding votes and proposals. The third ...
Darius's user avatar
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error Type sp.TInt / sp.TNat mismatch

Error: Type sp.TInt / sp.TNat mismatch sp.is_nat expects a sp.TInt Got: sp.TNat line 119 Line: 119[item_to_purchase.key].amount -= sp.as_nat(item_to_purchase.value) I'm ...
JJJ's user avatar
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Knowing the parameter name for a call to an entrypoint with Beacon

I would like to call the stake entry point of a Plenty contract. I only have access to the Michelson source code. Here is my current non-working code in Typescript with Beacon-SDK (inspired by this ...
Clement J.'s user avatar
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Timestamp in mock-up mode

Is there a way to control what NOW returns in the mock-up mode? If not, this could be done via a special command in the client to increase it. This seems important for testing.
Arthur B's user avatar
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Account is not revealed even after reveal operation

I created a new account and funded it. Then I had to perform a reveal operation to get an opportunity to make transfers. It succeeded and account became revealed (explorer api returned is_revealed = ...
SashaBeton's user avatar
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Checking total amount sent to a contract (ever) within the contract execution

I'd like to create a contract that behaves a certain way based on how much total tez has been sent to the contract. How should I track and check the total amount ever sent to a contract? Example: ...
Geoff's user avatar
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If I delete one of my tezos account in ledger live, what happens technically?

If I delete one of my tezos account in ledger live ( I already removed all the XTZ inside that account), what will happen? I want to know what happens under the surface technically. Can I reuse it or ...
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How can I do string interpolation on smartpy?

I'm trying to provide better error messages. I've tried several things already that don't work such as regular python fstrings, regular string concatenation. I'm tried to using the sp.string function ...
JJJ's user avatar
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Instantiating InMemorySigner

While instantiating InMemorySigner, we should provide the "Encoded private key". Is there a way of generating this Encoded private key from the .json file I get from the faucet? Tezos....
Arman Fatahi's user avatar
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How is the opHash generated?

Could someone give a step-by-step approach of how to go from the operation inputs (e.g. sender, receiver, amount etc) to generating an opHash for an operation? Thanks
Darius's user avatar
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What's an elegant way to write "take" in CameLIGO?

What's an elegant way to write the classic take function in CameLIGO? take takes the first num elements of a list. This is how I'm writing it currently, and it's ugly. Here, message is a type I ...
emchristiansen's user avatar
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tezos node and tezos-client 8.2 running in docker I get "Illegal instruction (core dumped)"

When running Tezos 8.2 docker images on my older CPU the node doesn't start. I get an Illegal instruction (core dumped) error message.
Jev Björsell's user avatar
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import_script_from_url syntax

i'd like to ask if it's possible to load another smart contract from an IPFS Hash or from a SmartPy url. What would be the best way to handle them with urls? Contract A:
crzy's user avatar
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Smartpy transfer contract balance to an address

I'm trying to figure out how to withdraw money from the contract within a smartpy entrypoint, and test the result in my scenario. When I test the entrypoint: @sp.entry_point def withdraw(self, ...
jon's user avatar
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What is script_expr?

The RPC for querying big maps mentions script_expr, but no where else in the Tezos Developer Documentation is it mentioned. What is script_expr? Where can developers learn more about it? What ...
MCH's user avatar
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Is SmartPy package inside All Michaelson Supported Languages?

I've discovered that Liquidity, LigoLang and Ocamel Support Tezos development, but I've only found 1 resource that states that SmartPy supports only LigoLang. I wanted to use the right language to ...
HighXTC's user avatar
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Tezos removed by baker [closed]

i had some tezos removed by my baker (fresh tezos). Would this just be their annual fee? i always assumed they took their 15% before distributing xtz to my account. Why would they removed a large sum ...
fabio antoncini's user avatar
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storage_exhausted error when sending to unrevealed account

I'm trying to run an undelegation+transaction of all my XTZ to an unrevealed account on Delphinet (7.5). This also happens in Carthagenet so I'm guessing is a calculation error on my part: The first ...
MalenaLBC's user avatar
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Stuck Tezos transaction

please bear with me being rather new to crypto. I moved a small amount of Tezos from an exchange to my Ledger. Transaction: ongcQGWeFkgda5vkdYjufXfBnoiXiHvEvnXyvVeNcXyGdNhhMKC appears as completed ( ...
Roy's user avatar
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Can I stake other assets than XTZ?

Is it possible to use other assets than tez (XTZ) in the staking or baking process? I was wondering if tokens on the Tezos blockchain could also be used.
Thorkil Værge's user avatar
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How can i transfer my Tezos coins [closed]

hope all is well with you. I will appreciate it if you can help me and explain to me what I should do .3 years ago during 2017 I bought Tezos coins from company sent me a ...
user5267's user avatar
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How to attach data to an error

The FA1.2 standard specifies that the NotEnoughAllowance error should contain a nat: required, nat: present pair. How do I attach this kind of data to a failwith call? I am writing the token contract ...
Thorkil Værge's user avatar
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Debug of missed an endorsement

Is it possible to read why Kiln missed an endorsement? There is any possibility to debug such kind of situation? Apr 04 15:46:18 kiln-endorser[1851]: Apr 4 15:46:18 - 006-PsCARTHA.baking.endorsement:...
Tomasz Waszczyk's user avatar
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How to construct signature list as parameter to invoke contract

I write a contract and deployed it to babylonnet, address: KT1BcH97ZQas6zKMJBtNdmU4iBvyi2ihpsx8, the entry point is withdraw, parameter is amount, signatures, toAddr, txId(string). I use smartpy ...
saiwaixiaowangzi's user avatar
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how to transfer tezos to contract

I deployed a contract at babylonnet, source code is
saiwaixiaowangzi's user avatar
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Use lorentz to wrap my SmartPy contract to multisig failed

I write a simple contract at smarty ide, link. And then I use lorentz-contract to wrap it to multi sig contract, but I meet an error:
saiwaixiaowangzi's user avatar
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ill_typed_data and invalid_contract_notation smart contract deployment error

I'm trying to deploy a smart contract on the testnet. I have made sure it is well typed. But I faced the error message below when trying to deploy on both bablynonnet and carthagenet. Could someone ...
Vinnyson's user avatar
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How to create a delegatable implicit account via command line? I want to delegate to a baker from a TZ1 address [duplicate]

Is this possible? If so, what is the command?
Mack Baise's user avatar
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Operation injected to node, but not added to blockchain | Wallet counter error

I use my own babbylon node and previously i have added some wallet from tezos faucet and send some coins to my generated wallet with tezos-client: ./tezos-client transfer 8500 from test_w1 to ...
Yura Mysko's user avatar
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How do I import snapshots running a full node from Ubuntu 16?

I have followed these instructions to start running the tezos mainnet (up to "git checkout mainnet". ...
Mack Baise's user avatar
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Blockchain file directory change in Kiln

I want to setup full node of Tezos, as far as I understand I can do it with help of Kiln. That is why I want to ask is it possible to change a directory where Kiln downloads blockchain data?
Tomasz Waszczyk's user avatar
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Baking/Endorsing Rights

How are baking and endorsement rights allocated to bakers? Is there a formula? Can we see the distribution of the baking/endorsement rights for all bakers for each cycle? (Particularly for priority 0)
Adi_daz's user avatar
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The seed for cycle XXX has not been computed yet

On the mainnet, I can get the baking rights up to 5 cycles in advance. For example, we are currently on cycle 146, and I observe the following: # returns succesfully: ./tezos-client -A mainnet-node....
nicolasochem's user avatar
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Broadcast tx success, but the tx not confirmed

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '"...
ruanqunfeng's user avatar
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I want to transfer the tokens from one contract to another address

When I transfer the token from the contract address: KT1LkNWZgVYh3zdaRkBb9aNgLEFCjVJwEKu2, it works well. However, when I switch back to the address KT1P8RdJ5MfHMK5phKJ5JsfNfask5v2b2NQS, an issue ...
Solider's user avatar
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RPC call - getting "No service found at this URL"

How far back can an rpc call go when wanting to retrieve block information? This call returns a block rpc get /chains/main/blocks/4506511 this also returns a block rpc get /chains/main/blocks/4506510 ...
tez's user avatar
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high watermark, level and round

What's a correct tenderbake implementation of a high watermark to prevent slashing? Assuming current high watermark for attestation is at level L and round R signature for attestation is requested ...
nicolasochem's user avatar
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sending parameters in internal messages to smart optimistic rollup

I have deployed the kernel from the 05_kernel_outbox example in the kernel_gallery code repository. However, I commented out the function call to "write_outbox_message". Now, I'm trying to ...
ghast's user avatar
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List of public arquive RPC nodes

Is there a list of active arquive RPC nodes running on the Tezos network? I'd like to make a request like: https://<node>/chains/main/blocks/3000000 But I wasn't able to find a public node with ...
ktorn's user avatar
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How to set Total Supply on TzKT?

I'm trying to create multi-edition items. My idea was to make a list of each token and then each token edition with the owner. Ok, i create the item and shows like that on blockchain: https://api....
borderlessdev's user avatar
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Adaptive Issuance: `edge_of_baking_over_staking` parameter

Could you please сlarify regarding the edge_of_baking_over_staking parameter? Are bakers able to set this percentage manually, are there any limitations for bakers on the percentage or is it set ...
nicolasochem's user avatar
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Unexpected character in contract.js React issue

everyone. I generated a smart contract js representation using this command below : completium-cli generate javascript ./contract/mycontract.arl > ./src/contract.js and i get this error : Line 1: ...
Muhammed Ekici's user avatar
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Transaction stuck in mempool

So 3 days ago i was sending XTZ from one cex to another and it looks like the transaction is still stuck in the mempool hash id onk4Rda4WacNreRM4yqHg6G89JkfChauLSynWUtoWtAt2USRTwh fee paid 0.2xtz ...
user10629's user avatar
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Url error in smartpy

I trying to write a smart contract on the tezos network and using import FA2 library for this. But when I try to run the code I face the url error. this is my code : import smartpy as sp FA2 =
AMS SAL's user avatar

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