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How to properly call Inject block or protocol api?

I have question how to call properly inject block and inject protocol api methods which I have found here? I was searching but I ...
Lukáš Kotol's user avatar
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Octez 17.3 compilation error

This compilation error appears everytime I run "opam install octez". I have no problem installing previous versions but there seems to be issues with installing octez-node 17.3.
Jiayu's user avatar
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Protocol invoice to KT1 address?

Can a protocol invoice direct funds to a KT1 address? We've seen them directed to tz1 addresses, but can they be directed to a KT1 (the reason being so that the recipient account can be controlled by ...
Kevin Mehrabi's user avatar
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How is the actual node upgrade of the economic protocol performed?

I am learning the Tezos economic protocol self-amending feature and I've gone through a lot of well-done documentation, like: overview of Tezos node architecture, with the distinction between ...
Giacomo Pirinoli's user avatar
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Used v16.0~rc1 when the activation of Mumbai on block #3,268,609

When the protocol was changed to Mumbai, I still used v16.0~rc1 and got errors such below Mar 30 01:40:31.395 - validation: initializing protocol PtMumbaiiFFE... Mar 30 01:40:31.519 - validator.block: ...
hsaito's user avatar
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Older protocols in Octez mockup mode

I need to use the mockup mode in octez-client with older protocols, like Delphi. But the current version I have installed (15.1) only has Hangzhou and newer protocols available: $ ./octez-client list ...
Fernando's user avatar
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Simulate Operation with Unrevealed Key Protocol Kathmandu

I'm trying to check my system works fine with the new Kathmandu protocol, so I'm testing some features with the kathmandunet. When I'm trying to simulate an operation (using /chains/main/blocks/head/...
Yotam's user avatar
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Tezos-client: unknown protocol after Ithaca upgrade

I have installed tezos-client on MacOS via Home Brew. After Ithaca upgrade I am getting the following error message: Fatal error: unknown protocol version. I tried upgrading tezos-client by: 1)brew ...
Reldeif's user avatar
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How to create and distribute a governance proposal?

Let's say I want to test some code changes I made in the Tezos node. What are the steps to create and distribute this as a governance proposal? Additionally, how can I activate these changes on a ...
tezette's user avatar
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How do I setup and run a custom network for testing purposes?

I am working on a user level tutorial for ‘how to write and introduce a Tezos protocol’. I want to offer people a couple ways of testing it. One of those being running an isolated testnet and ...
RadixCapital's user avatar
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How to add an invoice to protocol proposal

Can someone point me in the right direction here. I am guessing the invoice is somewhere in the Tezos git. Where is it and how should it be updated for a new proposal. Thanks
Sebuh's user avatar
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What is the new Liquidity Baking sunset level in Hangzhou?

I'm aware from the release notes that the sunset period for Liquidity Baking was extended with Hangzhou. I'm trying to understand exactly how long it has been extended, and on exactly what block ...
Whirlybird's user avatar
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What is `proof_of_work_nonce_size` used for?

I was looking at the protocol constants using: GET /chains/<chain_id>/blocks/<block_id>/context/constants and noticed these two fields: "proof_of_work_nonce_size": 8, "...
Darius's user avatar
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How to prepare a Protocol Change Proposal?

I want to know what is the procedure for preparing a protocol proposal. From my understanding it goes like this. Take the current Protocol src and make the changes in .ml files. Use a script to ...
Sebuh's user avatar
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Is there an equivalent of the Ethereum "selfdestruct" opcode in Tezos?

In Ethereum you can implement a selfdestruct opcode in a smart contract to remove its code from the blockchain and free up storage space. Is there an equivalent on Tezos ?
clement's user avatar
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Can't see 35% gas optimization on protocol 009

I looked around and could not see any example of known smart contract (FA1.2, FA2, etc) that is now using less gas then before Florence protocol.
Babell's user avatar
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Is there any possible balance update for an account on a "proposals" operation type?

I am trying to capture any operation that has a balance change - curious about the proposals operation and if there is any possibility that a balance can be updated?
Carl Cherry's user avatar
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Active test networks

There are many test networks on Tezos. What are the active and soon to be active public ones? How do we participate? Are there accessible public nodes?
FFF's user avatar
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What is the difference between edonet and edo2net?

The block explorer has both a edonet and an edo2net option. Are these two different blockchains and what is the difference between these two test nets?
Thorkil Værge's user avatar
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What is the format of valid entrypoint names?

Are there any constraints on valid entrypoint names?
arvidj's user avatar
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Tezos-node and tezos client don't use same Edo protocol version

I have a problem with Edo protocol version. On my computer, I tried to install tezos-node and tezos-client from PPA, with OPAM and from gitlab sources. With these 3 ways, I always have the same ...
avl's user avatar
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What is a manager operation?

Transactions, originations, public key reveals, and delegations are "manager operations". According to Different types of operation in Tezos Block - Which one fee is spent, "manager ...
Eugen's user avatar
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node log - node.validator: fetching protocol PtEdo

Seeing the following warning in the node log node.validator: fetching protocol PtEdoTezd3RHSC31mpxxo1npxFjoWWcFgQtxapi51Z8TLu6v6Uq node running PsDELPH1 what's the issue? thx
stake crypto's user avatar
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How are main net and test net blockchain state migrated to new protocols?

As far as I know protocol updates are made on main net about every 3 months. When this happens all balances, smart contracts, and smart contract state are preserved on main net. But how does it work ...
Thorkil Værge's user avatar
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How to calculate KT1 addresses of the bootstrap_contracts

As we know, Tezos protocol activator accepts the bootstrap_contracts parameter to originate specified contracts when the blockchain is launched. For example, Tezos mainnet was launched with some "...
Groxan's user avatar
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Anticipated Delphi Switch

When is the Tezos mainnet expected to switch to Delphi? Is there anything that node owners should do in anticipation?
FFF's user avatar
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What exactly happens at the end of a cycle?

The Tezos protocol does a lot of bookkeeping at the end of a cycle to manage its validator set. According to our own research and that of others we came up with a list of assumptions that suggest the ...
Alexander Eichhorn's user avatar
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Difference made in various protocols

Can anyone briefly explain about "Protocol 003 vs Protocol 004 Athens vs Protocol 005 Babylon vs Protocol 006 Carthage" ?
test12account's user avatar
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What is the Genesis key's power after activation?

If somebody had the activator/genesis private key for mainnet (corresponding to edpkvVCdQtDJHPnkmfRZuuHWKzFetH9N9nGP8F7zkwM2BJpjbvAU1N
Seb Mondet's user avatar
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Is this the right way to activate protocol cathage?

./tezos/tezos-client -l --base-dir ./tmp --addr localhost --port 18731 --block genesis activate protocol PsCARTHAGazKbHtnKfLzQg3kms52kSRpgnDY982a9oYsSXRLQEb with fitness 1 and key activator and ...
CryptoScroller's user avatar
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Testnet node crashes when activating protocol

I managed to manually set up a testnet consisting of 2 nodes on different hosts. The nodes connect, and using tezos-client I can successfully import secret keys (import secret key bootstrap1 ${...
Quantenspringer's user avatar
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Rewards for Operations

Out of these Operations which operations affect the balance of an Account either by rewards or by any transaction? First four I know they incur a fee at least so that balance gets affected. Can any ...
Debasish22's user avatar
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Operations in a block

I have fetched the operations of a specific block and out of that have queris in one operation as shown below. { "protocol": "PsddFKi32cMJ2qPjf43Qv5GDWLDPZb3T3bF6fLKiF5HtvHNU7aP", ...
Debasish22's user avatar
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How to calculate price of gas

In Ethereum one can get the gas price using web3.eth.gasPrice. In Tezos, does any RPC provide the gas price, or is there a formula to calculate the gas price?
Tkk's user avatar
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Zero-fee transactions

Need so help to understand the below transaction : [ { "type": "transaction", "id": 279, "level": 26, "timestamp": "2018-06-30T18:07:27Z", "hash": "...
Debasish22's user avatar
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Block Heights at which important changes happened to the protocol

I've been exploring the json dumps of each block through ./tezos-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/<bid> and wanted to know the block heights at which some important changes might have happened ...
ralex's user avatar
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Total baking balance calculation (includes inactive bakers stake?)

Does the total baking balance of the Tezos network (for example currently 76.9%) include the delegated XTZ to an inactive/sleeping/closed/defunct delegation services? At which point will these be ...
XTZST2O's user avatar
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Block reward calculation in Babylon

There seems to be a bug in the block reward calculation in Babylon. For example, in block 664451 there were 26 endorsements. So the reward should be 16 * (0.8 + 0.2 * 26 / 32) = 15.4 XTZ (source). ...
Ezy's user avatar
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Recently annouced plan for the implementation of zk-snarks into Tezos -timing?

Apologies for this lay question but I would very much appreciate if anyone could kindly tell me (in plain English for lay people like me) the timeline for the implementation of zk-snarks into Tezos ...
Ketaru's user avatar
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What causes the network to slowdown when a new protocol activates?

When Babylon activated there was a period of 30+ minutes where endorsements and bakes were very unstable and we ended up hitting some quite high priorities. I'm curious to know why this is the case ...
xtzbaker's user avatar
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What is the smallest monetary unit in Tezos?

What is the smallest monetary unit in Tezos, and where is it defined in the code?
ktorn's user avatar
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BABY5 vs. BABYM1? How does the network decide which is the "right" protocol?

The Tezos Docs say: Any node running the May release, in case of a successful promotion vote, will activate protocol 005_PsBABY5H, which contains a bug affecting bigmaps in smart contracts. ...
Blindripper's user avatar
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Why does querying tezos-node for test chain return 404?

I am querying a mainnet tezos node for test chain data using the url specified in the following question: Can I use an RPC to switch the Tezos node to another protocol? Specifically "/chains/test/...
RickySpanish's user avatar
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What is the procedure for testing a protocol upgrade?

How can we get example RPC data for a protocol upgrade, e.g. Babylon 2.0? How can we make transactions using the test protocol? If we have to deploy our own private network for testing, is there ...
tezette's user avatar
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Maximum supply in tezos

1) Is there a way we can vote for a maximum supply in tezos ? 2) would that be a desireable thing from a tokenomics perspective ?
Ezy's user avatar
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What flavor of zksnark in tezos

I have read that Nomadic Labs is working on incorporating some flavor of zksnarks into tezos for future amendment proposal (presumably in 2019). Looking at the literature I see there are many flavors ...
Ezy's user avatar
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Where is the reward operation for athens?

Athens amendment proposal was succesfully integrated as proto004 into the mainnet at level 458753. The first mined block can be seen here
Ezy's user avatar
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Tokens on Tezos

I'm interested in creating a token, similar to an ERC20 token on Ethereum, on the Tezos network. If I see correctly, as of now there is no possibility to track tokens on any of the public block ...
ava's user avatar
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How should I prepare as a baker, for Athens A protocol activation?

Can someone provide a step-by-step guide to help bakers to be prepared for Athens A protocol activation? Do we need to upgrade Ledger baking software?
Luiz Milfont's user avatar
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Confusing about the Mathematical representation in white paper

I'm confusing with the S^S. Does it mean S*S in set theory? I need a detailed explain.
leeduckgo's user avatar