In the Operations on bytes section of the Michelson white document, it is mentioned that:
"PACK: Serializes a piece of data to its optimized binary representation."
I am curious to know more details of how PACK
are implemented and what the binary representation is. I have looked through the source code and there are not any many comments in the implementation.
The details that user catsigma have given are very useful, but I would still like to be able to follow how serialization works in the source code and where the operation to binary code mappings come from.
I found the interp
function here and the implementation of Pack
let rec interp =
| Pack t, Item (value, rest) ->
Script_ir_translator.pack_data ctxt t value >>=? fun (bytes, ctxt) ->
logged_return (Item (bytes, rest), ctxt)
is defined here:
let pack_data ctxt typ data =
unparse_data ctxt Optimized typ data >>=? fun (data, ctxt) ->
let unparsed = strip_annotations @@ data in
let bytes = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn expr_encoding (Micheline.strip_locations unparsed) in
Lwt.return @@ Gas.consume ctxt (Script.serialized_cost bytes) >>=? fun ctxt ->
let bytes = MBytes.concat "" [ MBytes.of_string "\005" ; bytes ] in
Lwt.return @@ Gas.consume ctxt (Script.serialized_cost bytes) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (bytes, ctxt)
looks like the key function.
let to_bytes_exn e v =
match Encoding.classify e with
| `Fixed n -> begin
(* Preallocate the complete buffer *)
let state = { buffer = MBytes.create n ;
offset = 0 ; allowed_bytes = Some n } in
write_rec e state v ;
| `Dynamic | `Variable ->
(* Preallocate a minimal buffer and let's not hardcode a
limit to its extension. *)
let state = { buffer = MBytes.create 4096 ;
offset = 0 ; allowed_bytes = None } in
write_rec e state v ;
MBytes.sub state.buffer 0 state.offset
Now let's try to find what the encoding of False
would be. Here is some more code reorganized src/lib_data_encoding/
let rec write_rec : type a. a Encoding.t -> state -> a -> unit =
fun e state value ->
let open Encoding in
match e.encoding with
| Bool -> Atom.bool state value
module Atom = struct
let bool state v = uint8 state (if v then 255 else 0)
let uint8 = int `Uint8
let int kind state v =
check_int_range (Binary_size.min_int kind) v (Binary_size.max_int kind) ;
let ofs = state.offset in
may_resize state (Binary_size.integer_to_size kind) ;
set_int kind state.buffer ofs v
let check_int_range min v max =
if (v < min || max < v) then
raise (Invalid_int { min ; v ; max })
let set_int kind buffer ofs v =
match kind with
| `Uint8 -> MBytes.set_int8 buffer ofs v
Now we need to find MBytes.set_int8
. I have only found the type signature file.
looks like it is an external library but I haven't found the name. Also, I am not seeing how this matches up with the op_mapping
as mentioned in tezbridge-crypto.