- is a hash or a level of the block at which you ask for balance.
If you want to get a simple balance at the specific point in the cycle:
(this is pseudocode, I hope you figure it out)
var cycle = 60;
var p1 = (cycle * 4096 + 1) + 0; //beginning of the cycle
var p2 = (cycle * 4096 + 1) + 4095; //end of the cycle
var balance_at_p1 = get('/chains/main/blocks/{p1}/context/contracts/KT1.../balance');
var balance_at_p2 = get('/chains/main/blocks/{p2}/context/contracts/KT1.../balance');
But if you are trying to get a balance for calculating delegation rewards:
At first you should find the snapshot block that was used to count the rolls. Then use this block to get the balance like above.
var cycle = 60;
var cycle_lvl = cycle * 4096 + 1;
var snapshot = get('/chains/main/blocks/{cycle_lvl}/context/raw/json/cycle/{cycle}');
var snapshot_block = ((cycle - 7) * 4096 + 1) + (snapshot.roll_snapshot + 1) * 256 - 1;
var balance = get('/chains/main/blocks/{snapshot_block}/context/contracts/KT1.../balance');