I was familiarising with smartpy IDE by executing the code as mentioned in the below link


However, when I proceeded to deploy the contract, I am getting the below error and no error when running with test cases.

failed(permanent: proto.009-PsFLoren.michelson_v1.ill_typed_data), (permanent: proto.009-PsFLoren.michelson_v1.invalid_constant), (permanent: proto.009-PsFLoren.michelson_v1.invalid_constant), (permanent: proto.009-PsFLoren.michelson_v1.invalid_constant), (permanent: proto.009-PsFLoren.contract.invalid_contract_notation)

Can anyone help with this?

1 Answer 1


The reason for that error is the invalid address you are using for originating the contract. Below is an example of how to update the initial storage from the origination page.

enter image description here

  • Thank you.. yes, your soution fixed the issue.
    – Predictor
    Jul 2, 2021 at 8:08

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