Running the PACK operation on a tuple (represented as a pair in Michelson, I get

$ ligo interpret -s pascaligo 'Bytes.pack((1, 2))'

The numbers 1 and 2 are serialized as 0001 and 0002, respectively.

The tuple (1,2) is represented as PAIR 1 2 in Michelson and PAIR serializes to 0x07. So why are there two 0x07 values, and not just one?

1 Answer 1


Here is a break down:

Let's try another example. What is the encoding of the value Left 1 of type or nat bool? Per tezos-client hash data 'Left 1' of type 'or nat bool', it will be 0x05 05 05 0001, where:

  • 05: the fixed prefix denotes a michelson data value, as above.
  • 05: the expression Left 1 is a primitive application with one argument and no annotations. The corresponding tag is also 0x05.
  • 05: the michelson primitive is Left, for which the corresponding tag is also 05.
  • 0001: encoding of the integer 1.
  • OK, so 07 means both the Pair type constructor, and primitive. Got it. I would have though the first 07 was the primitive value and only the 2nd was the Pair type constructor, though. Commented Oct 5, 2020 at 11:10
  • I'm not sure I understand your last phrase: what do you mean with "primitive value"? and note that Pair is not a type constructor but a data constructor. However, pair is a type constructor (admittedly, it is confusing). Lowercase keywords are types, and capitalized keywords are data constructors. Example: Pair is a constructor that constructs values of type pair x y. pair is a type constructor with two arguments.
    – arvidj
    Commented Oct 5, 2020 at 20:56

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