I am trying to send tez from my tz1-AAA account to KT1-AAA contract address means I want my contract address to hold some tez.
Disclaimer - I have knowingly replaced some part of address with "....(s)"
const tezosNode = 'https://rpcalpha.tzbeta.net';
async function sendTransaction() {
const keystore = {
publicKey: 'edpku.............',
privateKey: 'edskRrEcP1QJXdFB25a7yJsLUrYcU3uQJ5xwyW.............',
publicKeyHash: 'tz1UCUZ3vFv8sXwDCg............',
seed: '',
storeType: conseiljs.StoreType.Fundraiser
const result = await conseiljs.TezosNodeWriter.sendTransactionOperation(tezosNode, keystore, 'KT1J5YznidNBkenu............', 16000000, 1500, '');
console.log(`Injected operation group id ${result.operationGroupID}`);
I am using above conseiljs function to do the same. It is giving following error
Gas quota exceeded for the operation
A script or one of its callee took more time than the operation said it would
I also tried to change the gas amount but still it didn't worked.