I need to create a Tezos public key hash based on a public ed25519 key only.

I am aware of an utility that generates entire keystore based on mnemonics - this is not what I need.

I'd welcome either a step by step description how to get from an edpk to a tz1 form or a code snippet.


4 Answers 4


Heres how to do it in python, where the variable pubkey is the bytes array of the public key

P2HASH_MAGIC = bytes.fromhex('06a1a4')
blake2bhash = blake2b(pubkey, digest_size=20).digest()
shabytes = sha256(sha256(P2HASH_MAGIC + blake2bhash).digest()).digest()[:4]
pkhash = b58encode(P2HASH_MAGIC + blake2bhash + shabytes).decode()
  • Thanks, that's great. Would you mind to improve that answer by adding comments explaining what happens there? For example - what is P2HASH_MAGIC and why do we cut out some bytes in line 3.
    – K SS
    Commented Jan 16, 2020 at 19:47
  • Input for b58encode is going to be 51 bytes long (P2HASH_MAGIC is 3 bytes, blake2bhash is 20 bytes shabytes is 32 - 4 = 28 bytes) . This is going to produce a 49-char long base58check string. However, a tz1 address is 36-char long. Surely, this method is not correct, is it?
    – K SS
    Commented Feb 11, 2020 at 15:05

Do you have the tezos repo built? If yes, you can run the ocaml CLI with tezos-crypto:

 $ dune utop src/lib_crypto

and then:

ocaml# open Tezos_crypto;;
ocaml# Ed25519.Public_key.of_b58check_exn
       |> Ed25519.Public_key.hash
       |> Ed25519.Public_key_hash.to_b58check;;                                                                                                                                                      
- : string = "tz1L1bypLzuxGHmx3d6bHFJ2WCi4ZDbocSCA"
  • While this is probably a good answer, it is not helpful in my case. I need to do it programatically, in a nodejs app.
    – K SS
    Commented Jan 16, 2020 at 19:41

In python, using the git version of pytezos:

from pytezos.crypto import Key

public_key = 'edpkuoK2J2UVbDcSTdJgP85JmDN3gxBCswcgApbtY5d7zHVunwCKNR'
hash = Key(public_key).public_key_hash()

In NodeJS it is also possible to do it using sotez:

import {Key} from 'sotez';

const sotezKey = new Key({ key: 'edpktx799pgw7M4z8551URER52VcENNCSZwE9f9cst4v6h5vCrQmJE' });
await sotezKey.ready;

prints: tz1Xv78KMT7cHyVDLi9RmQP1KuWULHDafZdK

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