What is the largest amount one could send in a single transaction?

Also just to confirm my understanding, a transaction only has one destination address per transaction right?

2 Answers 2


Technically, transaction amount is of mutez type, which is internally represented by 64-bit signed integer.

However, in practice, (if we speak about applied transactions) the amount cannot exceed the total supply, wich is currently 873682204744114 (https://api.tzkt.io/v1/statistics/current).

And yes, a single transaction can have only one destination address.

  • ah okay thanks! so unlike bitcoin, the amount field doesn't have a fixed size e.g. 8 bytes?
    – Darius
    Apr 22, 2021 at 21:14
  • 2
    oops, sorry, I confused mutez with nat. According to tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-mutez it's indeed 8-byte integer
    – Groxan
    Apr 22, 2021 at 21:22
  • is the maximum value is 9223372036854775807
    – 0x10
    Jun 30, 2022 at 3:32
  • @0x10, yes, according to the docs
    – Groxan
    Jun 30, 2022 at 15:48

I suspect you mean amount as transaction size and not as a mutez value.

The limits per transaction and block can be found in the following RPC: /chains/main/blocks/head/context/constants

Edo Protocol

hard_gas_limit_per_block: "10400000"
hard_gas_limit_per_operation: "1040000"
hard_storage_limit_per_operation: "60000"
max_operation_data_length: 16384                 <---- CHANGED IN FLORENCE

Florence Protocol

hard_gas_limit_per_block: "10400000"
hard_gas_limit_per_operation: "1040000"
hard_storage_limit_per_operation: "60000"
max_operation_data_length: 32768                 <---- CHANGED IN FLORENCE

Also just to confirm my understanding, a transaction only has one destination address per transaction right?

Yes, but when calling a contract, it can also send internal transactions to other contracts.

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